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Protect Your Good Idea....

The best idea can still die when naysayers raise concerns, even if the concerns are meritless. Instead of trying to dodge unavoidable attacks, learn to expect the common types you'll face, and how to counter them simply and convincingly:

Death by delay: Adversaries may try to put off the discussion, ask for additional information, or otherwise delay a decision on your idea, thereby slowing momentum. Keep your audience focused on making a decision.

Confusion : Detractors often present distracting information or try to link your idea to several others in an attempt to confound people. Be clear about what your idea is and what it isn't.

Fear mongering: Nothing kills an idea faster than irrational anxieties. Know what fears your challengers might stir up and be prepared to allay them.

Courtsey : John P. Kotter and Lorne A. Whitehead./ Havard Business Review

3 Tips for Asking for a Raise.....

Asking for a salary increase can be a nerve-wracking task. Here are three tips to making the ask go smoothly, and increasing your chances of getting the raise:

* Choose the right time. It's best to ask when your status is high. Consider asking soon after your team posts good results or at the end of a successful project. Avoid making the request when your boss is preoccupied with other issues.

* Have a plan. Know what number you want, make sure it is realistic, and build a case to support it. Use facts about comparable roles and evidence of recent successes.

* Be clear and positive. Stay focused on the positive of what you have accomplished. Avoid bringing up other issues during the meeting. Be clear about what you want without issuing an ultimatum.

Courtsey : Gill Corkindale/ Havard Business Review